
Welcome To Oddity’s World

Life is a bridge, build no house upon it. Life is a river, cling not to its banks. Life is a gymnasium, use it to develop the mind on the apparatus of circumstance.

Life is a journey, take it and walk on.

– Kumaraswamiji

Method of Loci The Bridge

The Method of Loci is a memory technique that spans the ages and has allowed individuals to retain complex ideas and concepts after only hearing it a single time. This episode is all about this amazing technique that I believe few know about and even fewer know how to do.Moonwalking with Einstein: Affiliate Link. Getting an Audible membership or even a free trial helps me out so if you liked what you heard, consider a free trial with Audible.Check out for the cliff notes of this episode.Intro and Outro music:  Chilly – Purrple Cat you're interested in starting your own podcast, check out the link below to get started! the show
  1. Method of Loci
  2. Imagination

How To’s